Sunday, January 10, 2010


Oh my little Kate-a-bug. I can't believe she is almost six months old already. She has really found her hands lately and grabs on to everything in sight. She isn't a good sleeper, I guess that's my fault though. She likes to sleep in bed with mama, that's the only time she sleeps good. And this baby just LOVES her big sister. Allie can always put a smile on her face.

It's going to be amazing watching these two grow up together.
We just started her on solids. Her favorites are green beans, carrotts, squash, pears and peaches.
She isn't crazy about bananas, which is the opposite of Allie. That kid couldn't eat enough bananas.
She loves her toys, she got tons for Christmas. Her favorite is this spinny thing that plays music. She is teething, so everything goes straight to the mouth.

I might not get much sleep, get to eat dinner when it's warm, or take a bath in peace. But I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

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