Thursday, February 3, 2011


So, I suck at this blogging thing. I'm really going to do better from now on. Here are a few highlights of the past year since I've updated.

School is going GREAT. I just applied for the nursing program and I should find out in March if I am accepted or not.

2010 was a great year. Allie turned 5 and Kate turned 1. We took a few trip as well.

In January I turned the big 3-0 and was surprised with a NKOTB themed party to celebrate the occasion!

In February Isabelle Dru turned a year old and we had a monkey themed party at our house!

In March we traveled to Natchitoches, LA for Ben's cousin's wedding. It was beautiful and we had a great weekend.

In May we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary by spending the weekend in New Orleans with my in-laws!

In July Ben celebrated the big 3-0 and Kate turned a year old! We celebrated with a cupcake themed pool party!

In August Allie started Pre-K, and has loved every single minute of it!

In September we went to Destin, FL for a beach vacation with The Morvants and Youngs.

In October Allie turned 5!! We had a spa party, that was also a sleepover for 18 kids!!!!

In December we went to Disney World (more about that later)!

This was a start for me to decide which events I want to back and blog about!